Certosa di Pisa

I have had to be very selective about what to include within Little Gems when it comes to Italy – the entire country is filled with jaw-dropping places of beauty and splendour. Here is a Little Gem somewhat off the beaten track and yet only 6 miles from the famous Campo dei Miracoli at Pisa (one of my favourite Duomos). The area has changed quite a lot since I last visited – a bigger car park suggests that it’s been “discovered”.

I’ve been twice and both these visits were over 10 years ago and I’m sure that things have also changed in the way that it is run nowadays. I suggest that for more up to date information you access this site.


On my first visit there was no guide, just a lady who accompanied us as we did the rounds – a tour devoid of information except, “And this is the…” My Italian wasn’t very good then: maybe I’d booked a time-limited, accompanied-tour only. Despite that, I was well-impressed and added this place to my list of “must revisit”. (The Italy list is a very long one!)

The floor of every room I visited was marked out in a different pattern of tiles and there were paintings with fantastic perspectives designed to deceive the eye and many examples of trompe l’oeil. On a second visit some years later, I was blessed to have a well-informed guide who took delight in revealing much that this magical place has to offer, pointing out the many fascinating things that had escaped my notice on my first visit.

Go there; see it for yourself; be amazed. It is spread across a huge site, sadly not all of it open to the public. Notwithstanding this, it is a true Little Gem.

And while you’re in the area, don’t overlook the Medici Villas. There are dozens of them. Check your Rough Guide.